Sunday, January 11, 2009

when things go wrong

getting arrested sucks, especially when it leads to more and more dumb shit that needs to be done. if you didn't know, i got arrested, along with Josh, in Athens, Ohio at OU over Halloween. we had to go to court, and are now in a "diversion program" which requires us doing some community service, reading a book, and taking a class. LAME!

anyway, yesterday was the first 8 hours of our 12 hours community service requirements. we went to sleep around 3ish and had to be at the court house at 7:45, bad choice. we got breathalyzed, and 2 people failed, SHIT SUCKS DUDES. so then we went to a recycling plant and stood and sorted paper for 4 hours. it was so boring, and i think i was sleeping during most of it. we had an hour for lunch and Josh and i went to Chipotle.

when we went back, i walked into the bathroom and saw the coolest thing ever. (Josh and i are starting a bar at some point in our lives, so this is what we're going to do.) it was the front part of a bar, or in this case counter, in the bathroom. i'm so glad we saw it, because we'll definitely try to do it.


and after our next bin of paper, we went and moved a bunch of wood and metal out of another building, but this time it was just our group, as everyone else kept sorting. haha. i guess overall it coulda been a lot worse, but it wasn't too bad.


Jordan Lillington said...

what did you get arrested for, d00d?

lessthangene said...

really dumb things, like being with people why they're buying beer. haha. that college is not a good place to be on Halloween.

Jordan Lillington said...

hxc bro!

lessthangene said...

haha. yeah dude, totally.